February 8, 2013

Side Effects

Side Effects stars Rooney Mara and Jude Law. The story is about how Rooney Mara is a depressed after her husband gets out of jail and she needs from help form a doctor. The doctor being Jude Law he gives some medicine that will help, but inside does some pretty bad things to her.

Now what I really enjoyed was the actually making of the film and story, but I also have to give a hit for its film making and story. I will explain this. The tone of the film is great. It hits this tone that stays its very serious all the way thought and never really goes anywhere with that which is good. Now the acting is great. I mean really good both Mara and Law can act the socks off. I really enjoyed both there performances. Now what I meant about the film making is the film is really slow. Now saying that this film needed to be a bit slow. It sets up the story and super well written. It sets up the character and what your supposed to think and then it pulls the rug out form under you. So you really got to want to ride out the slowness of the film and be okay with the switch in story. So if you don't go with the story switch your gonna be a little upset. I mean it starts off with this commentary on  drugs and then goes to a thriller. Now the cinematography in this film is so good. It is really well light and very well shot.

Also this film I feel really would have fell apart without Steven Soderbergh directing. He like I said above really knew what he was doing with this film. I really did enjoy this film as a whole piece of work. Now this film well be very interesting to see how it does at the box office because I don't think interested in seeing this. Even thought this has a lot of star power and it also has a great story. I feel like this film is going to go under the mass publics radar. I mean last night there was only three people in the theater last night. Seriously people if you want to see a slower paced film and great work of art. Go see Side Effects so I think I am going to give it a

4.25 out of  5 Ticket Stubs (I really don't like giving things that rating)

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