February 17, 2013

A Good Day To Die Hard

A Good Day To Die Hard or Die Hard 5 for those who have been keeping count is the next John McClane  story and this time he is on another man hunt and he is with his son and they most stop these guys form getting some file and then it turns out there is no file. The story to say the least is a bit of a mess, but we will get to that later.

The things that I enjoyed were mainly two things. Bruce Willis you get some of his McClane like things so for that you find some enjoyment. Also the action in the film is okay, but I do take issue with the action in this film because the scenes are so long and sound guys don't make you feel like your there  awful sound effects.

Now if you notice in the paragraph above is really short. That means I really didn't like this film. I mean guys don't get me wrong I really wanted to like this film I love the Die Hard series. This film is so bad. Like I really was thinking about walking out at some points. The film is so slow and its only a hour and a half long. I don't know how the Director let this happen. You made a slow short film. WHAT!?!?!?!? The acting in the film is really bad. I have seen worse, but no one cares and it really shows. Like Willis kinda cares, but thats about it. Also I am so sick of people using shaky cam in dialogue scenes for the love of god put the thing on tripod. The DOP also tried to do some lens flares, but it donen't work at all. Its a horrible shot film. Then now to my biggest problem the script. First off the script story makes no sense. Your watching the film and for like the first 45 minutes you have no idea what your watching. Most of the movie you are just like who is the bad guy right now. Second problem the dialogue is equally as bad like mean come on give something that is good and fun to watch. I really wanted to see a fun and good and intense action film and what I got was a big mess. People I can now say that I enjoyed a film called Beautiful Creatures more then a Die Hard film. Thanks John Moore for ruining this series.

1.5 out of 5 Ticket stubs. (second to lowest rating I give)


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