March 2, 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack the Giant Slayer is the next fantasy adventure movie by the person who brought us the frist 2 great X-Men movies Bryan Singer. It is the same tale that everyone knows. Jack played by Nicholas Hoult who sells his horse in trade for some magic beans.

Now what I really liked about this film was the adventure  itself. I loved the world they created. It was a lot of fun and really cool set pieces when they were climbing the bean stalk and in the giants world. The soundtrack was also really good, but the theater I saw it in had the music really loud and at points in over powered the actors on screen so I actually couldn't hear what the people were saying.  Now to the acting. I think Hoult was great and along side Ewan McGregor. Those two to me were the stand outs they did the best with the material that they were presented. I think the weakest people actually were Stanley Tucci and Ian McShane. Now I am not saying they did a bad job in there roles I am just saying they should have switched roles.  McShane is a great crazy bad guy. Like sometimes his villain makes a movie work or TV show for that matter. Tucci I feel would have played a better king, but I think that is mostly personal stuff with me. Now the CGI worked for what was in the film. We aren't talking Life Of Pi CGI, but it still works on screen.

Now Bryan Singer Direction I think is like the elephant in the room. We could get Superman Returns or we get X2. Now we didn't get full X2 Singer, but it is in no way a badly directed film. The shots are all nice. With a few excepts, but mostly good. The way he shoots the Giants works. The tone was really good. I think it hit that middle ground were both adults and kids can like which is always a big plus in my book. It does drag at points not for to long, but it does happen. I also had one minor problem with the film. It has this like twist ending which I really didn't like so no spoilers, I just really didn't enjoy that part. So with all that my final rating will be

3.5 out of 5 Ticket stubs.

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