March 24, 2013

Olympus Has Fallen

Who would have thought with the four big action movies to come with great stars. That Gerard Butler would be in the best and most fun one. This movie is like a combo of Die Hard and Air Force One. It made for a great mix. It has a simple plot which is good for this type of movie. It's about how terrorists take the White House and now Gerard Butler has to go and take it back and also save the president.

Now what I enjoyed about this movie was the fact that it was a 90's action film. I mean you have all the great one liners and so of the best action scenes I have seen this year. I really enjoyed the film. This film really could have been a summer blocker buster if this was few years ago. I don't know why Gerard Butler always picks those not so great Rom Coms, but in this Gerard really kick so serious ass. I really enjoyed his character as well. Like he wasn't a superhero like you can tell he is going down after awhile and he is having trouble. Also the direction of the film was perfect it for what it needed to be. I am happy they keep the film rated R because it gave it that extra like "cool" factor.

This film was not perfect by a long shot. The biggest was the CGI ( I don't know what is with CGI with the past movies). It wasn't the best CGI ever done and you can really tell that is CGI a lot of the time, but the film is so well done and so cool to watch that I personally didn't really mind the bad CGI. Now also I think there is a few bad actors in this bunch. Now the Bad Guy in the film was not the best Bad Guy he is no Hans Gurber, but he is okay and gets the job done. So with all that being said this film is a perfect thought back to the Die Hard and stuff of that era. I really liked and if you want to see a good action film and have a good time at the theater.

3.5 out of 5 Ticket Stubs    

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