February 14, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures is a film based on the book also named Beautiful Creatures. Remember how a few weeks ago I compared Twilight to Warm Bodies. Yeah, this film has a lot more in common with Twilight then Warm Bodies. This film is about a family of Casters (not Witches or Wizards). It is about this girl Caster named Lena. Who is turning 16 and her powers I think will be there highest and be forced to be claimed by the Dark or the Light. We see this mostly through the eyes of a boy Ethan.

Now going into this film I am not gonna lie to you guys I was not expecting much. Actually I was thinking I was going to hate it, but actually it wasn't half bad. What I liked to begin with was the acting done by the whole cast. I mean the film also stars Jeremy Irons and Viola Davis. The film better be well acted. This was true. I even really enjoyed the male lead played Alden Ehrenreich. I was surprised by him. I thought he did really good. His character was really well written and thought out. Now sense this is like Twilight the girl and the boy are gonna get together. Like you know its gonna happen. What  I liked was there relationship on screen they played very well off each other. A very believable high school romance. Now what I also liked was just the over all story of the film. It was really cool and some pretty awesome scenes in it. I really liked the scene were you meet Jeremy Irons for the first time and the dinner scene.

Now this film I think a lot of problems like the pace. This is was the biggest problem with the film. It is around 2 hours long and the first 45 minutes flowed really good. I really enjoyed that part. Now the last half or so of the film I feel really slowed down. Also I think like the whole Dark caster thing really needed to be explained. Like I didn't really understand what it meant to be a Dark caster. Like does that mean you just kill everyone or like you just driven mad by power. They needed to just be a little clearer. I don't if the screen was messed up or it was the way it was shot because the night scenes in the beginning were super dark. So I not its not gonna hurt the film just a heads up I guess. My final thoughts on the film were that if you liked that whole Teen romance with that supernatural element. Your going to like the film a lot. If you are being dragged to the film your not gonna what to pull your eyes out of your head. So my rating will be

3 out of 5 stars. (this is a solid rent)

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